ARK coworking acknowledges and accepts the responsibilities placed on it as 'Employer' by the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act. 1974 and other relevant legislation.
ARK coworking considers the health, safety and welfare of staff and members to be of paramount importance, and that a safe and healthy working environment is a prerequisite to achieving ARK’s objectives as a creative & collaborative work community.
Through the implementation of the Health and Safety policy, management at ARK coworking are committed to achieving the following objectives:
Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health by managing the health and safety risks in the workplace
Provide clear instructions and information, and adequate training, to ensure employees & members are competent to do their work
Engage and consult with employees & members on day-to-day health and safety conditions
Implement emergency procedures – evacuation in case of fire or other significant incident.
Maintain safe and healthy working conditions, provide and maintain plant, equipment and machinery, and ensure safe storage/use of substances
All employees, members & visitors, have the following legal responsibilities under ‘The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974’ and ‘The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999’:
To take reasonable care for the safety of themselves and others at work who may be affected by their acts or omissions;
To co-operate with ARK management and others in fulfilling statutory responsibilities;
To notify their ARK management immediately of any situation which they have reason to believe might present a serious and imminent danger to their own or others' safety (in the context of ARK coworking this means notifying us by contacting us directly in person, submitting an email to ARK management and/or submitting an incident form); and
To notify ARK management of any shortcomings or perceived shortcomings in their health and safety arrangements, even when no immediate danger exists, so that appropriate remedial action can be taken.
ARK coworking requires all employees, members & visitors to fulfil the legal responsibilities set out above by cooperating in all matters concerning health and safety by:
adhering to the ARK's arrangements and procedures for fire and other preventive and protective measures put in place to control and manage risks to the health and safety of employees, members and visitors. Members must adhere to the ARK’s fire and emergency procedures, by evacuating the building if the fire alarm sounds and going to the emergency assembly point on the corner of Caledonian
Rd & Carnegie St. They must follow any instructions given to them by fire wardens or building management;
reporting any accident, incident of verbal or physical abuse, near miss or equipment damage immediately to ARK management so that appropriate remedial action may be taken;
notifying ARK management if they experience ill health that they have reason to suspect may be work-related, e.g. musculoskeletal problems as a result of seating in ARK or lifting, skin conditions from using cleaning chemicals etc.;
carrying out, as appropriate, regular visual checks of equipment before use, to identify any obvious defects such as worn leads or cables, damaged covers/guards or plug tops. After taking any remedial steps they themselves can safely take, members should report any defect in equipment, plant etc. to ARK management, who will be responsible for taking the necessary steps to ensure that the equipment is removed and or repaired (for reporting defects in building-wide equipment please contact building management at or using the incident form);
using any equipment or items provided for work correctly and in accordance with manufacturers’ or suppliers’ instructions and any training received; and
treating fellow members and other persons with whom they interact during the course of their work with consideration, respect and dignity. It is important that members appreciate that their own actions and performance could be the source of stress to their fellow members.
ARK management expects all members to co-operate with its efforts to protect their health, safety, and welfare.
Members must take reasonable care of their own safety and not place others at risk by their actions.
Members must not engage in reckless or careless behaviour that might compromise ARK coworking’s preventive and protective measures (such as letting off fire extinguishers without good cause, or maliciously setting off the fire alarm).
Members must not intentionally damage or misuse any equipment, such as wedging open fire doors in common areas and must report defects or unsafe situations to ARK management.
Members must observe our COVID risk assessment and policies, available at Members should observe social distancing rules specified by Government guidance.
These Health & Safety arrangements & Fire emergency plan are also made available at &, and may be subject to change from time to time. By using ARK coworking you agree to abide by these arrangements.
You can find details of our latest health & safety assessment here.
First-aid boxes are made available in the Kitchen and in the Cafe, along with Fire Blankets
If you have any heavy deliveries, a trolly can be provided to assist with moving any equipment. You can view videos on manual handling here.
For ensuring you have a good posture when at work, you can check out this helpful video here.
Fire extinguishers are available throughout the building. Refer to our fire pack for location maps, or the location map at the entranceway.
Fire Alarm is by the main entrance, with access points throughout the building.
Please follow the links here