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Good ideas given a chance


Along with the 3 month coworking membership, spARK will look to connect you with other members in the community who will offer periodic support by encouraging a process of challenging, refining and feeding back on your business throughout the schemes running time. There will also be an opportunity to host an event and share the journey of your business so far and the vision for the future, with the rest of the ARK community.

Already offering a rich and diverse community of freelancers and start ups, ARK will also provide a hot bed of potential collaboration and community for the successful businesses who join us.

Our next spARK term will begin in January 2025.

What’s the application criteria?

A selection panel will assess each applicant based on the following measures

Does your idea...

  • Have a social impact/innovative/support other social business?

  • Have a local impact? Kings Cross? Islington? London and beyond?

  • Sustainable, demonstrate a working business model that allows your idea to continue beyond spARK?

  • Collaborative, including people from diverse backgrounds, utilising a range of skills to build your idea?

  • Create or have the possibility to create employment?

You don't need to meet all this criteria, but each applicant will be scored against these measures. The panel will then assess the comparative quality of all applications against these measures.

Have question still? Check out our FAQs section.

What’s the outcome we're looking to achieve?

We believe a collaborative working community brings out the best in us. 

We hope that at the end of spARK your business has felt supported by other members in the community, giving you the chance you needed to get your idea off to a good start. At the end of spARK we would ask that you share back with the community what difference work in ARK has made to you and your idea.

Thats it.

You're of course welcome to join the community as a member on a coworking membership should you like to stay with us, but there are no strings attached! We just hope that we've made a difference in some way to your working life, so that you can have the impact you're hoping to make.